科目一覧へ戻る | 2023/09/27 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
英語作文Ⅰ/English Composition I |
時間割コード /Course Code |
3232240140 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
教育学部/ |
曜日コマ /Day, Period |
木/Thu 4 |
開講区分 /Semester offered |
後期/second semester |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
科目区分 /Course Group |
専門教育科目 |
教室 /Classroom |
必修・選択 /Required/Elective |
授業形式 /Class Format |
メディア授業 /Media lecture |
- |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Faculty/Department |
難易度(レベル) /Level |
レベル3 |
対応するCP/DP /CP/DP |
CP・DP 3 学び続ける力 |
授業としての具体的到達目標 /Concrete arrival target as the class |
The objective of the course is to develop student writing skills at both a sentence/paragraph level and a composition level. (学び続ける力) |
授業の概要 /Summary of the class |
The course presents paragraph organizational structures which constitute the basic approach to expository writing. Students learn these and then apply them in their own writing. |
授業の内容予定 /Contents plan of the class |
The content of course, beyond introduction of the organizational structures, is based on the topics students decide to write about. Textbook Contents: Week 1: Course Introduction and Explanation Week 2: Unit 1: Describing Things and Places Week 3: Unit 1 Writing Feedback + Unit 2: Describing People Week 4: Unit 1 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 2 Writing Feedback + Unit 3 Describing Processes Week 5: Unit 2 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 3 Writing Feedback + Review of Section One: Describing Week 6: Unit 4: Generalization Week 7: Unit 4 Writing Feedback + Unit 5: Definition Week 8: Unit 4 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 5 Writing Feedback + Unit 6: Instruction Week 9: Unit 5 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 6 Writing Feedback + Unit 7: Explanation Week 10: Unit 6 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 7 Writing Feedback + Review of Section Two: Organizing Week 11: Unit 8: Comparison Week 12: Unit 8 Writing Feedback + Unit 9: Contrast Week 13: Unit 8 2nd Writing Feedback + Unit 9 Writing Feedback Week 14: Final Writing Project Explanation and Start Week 15: Final Writing Project: Feedback #1 Week 16: Final Writing Project: Feedback #2 and Submission |
成績評価方法及び採点基準 /A scholastic evaluation method and marking standard |
Grades will be based on weekly writing work and a final writing project. Students have to prepare to and write short compositions every week. The contents of these compositions will be based on the textbook, but the students must create their own versions. Weekly writing: 60% Final Project: 40% |
予習及び復習等の内容 /Contents such as preparations for lessons and the review |
Writing assignments are given as weekly homework. The theme of these compositions is based on textbook study, but the content is determined by the student. |
教材・教科書 /The teaching materials, textbook |
Composition Upgrade: Think, Organize and Write (Anthony Rausch; Sanshusha) |
参考文献 /bibliography |
If problems are identified, appropriate materials will be introduced to address these. |
留意点・予備知識 /Point to keep in mind, back ground |
Attendance is very important; it is very important not to fall behind. |
授業内容に関する質問・疑義等 /Question, doubt about class contents |
Everyday 11:50 to 12:40 |
Eメールアドレス・HPアドレス /E-mail address, HP address |
asrausch@hirosaki-u.ac.jp |
学問分野1(主学問分野) /Discipline 1 |
A01:思想,芸術およびその関連分野 |
学問分野2(副学問分野) /Discipline 2 |
該当なし |
学問分野3(副学問分野) /Discipline 3 |
該当なし |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目について /About the class subject by the teacher with the work experience |
なし |
地域志向科目 /Local intention subject |
なし |
授業形態・授業方法 /Class form, class method |
Reading of the textbook and feedback on writing. |
科目ナンバー /The subject number |
P1-3-0435-A02 |
メディア授業による著作物利用の有無について /Whether or not copyrighted works are used in media classes |
無/Nothing |
その他 /Others |
nothing in particular |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
該当するデータはありません |