科目一覧へ戻る | 2023/09/27 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
Content and English Integrated Learning -Psychology-/Content and English Integrated Learning -Psychology- |
時間割コード /Course Code |
1231200033 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
教養教育科目/ |
曜日コマ /Day, Period |
水/Wed 4 |
開講区分 /Semester offered |
前期/first semester |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
1,2 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
科目区分 /Course Group |
教養教育科目 英語 |
教室 /Classroom |
必修・選択 /Required/Elective |
選択 |
授業形式 /Class Format |
メディア授業 /Media lecture |
- |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Faculty/Department |
難易度(レベル) /Level |
対応するCP/DP /CP/DP |
授業としての具体的到達目標 /Concrete arrival target as the class |
The aim of this course is twofold. One, to improve your ability to communicate in English and cognitively challenge you to think critically and creatively in English. Second, to deepen your understanding of the mind, behavior, and social aspects of human life through studying topics in from the fields of psychology. In short, this class has the dual function of improving your English language skills while also learning more about a specific content area, in this case, psychology and thus is called CLIL (content and language integrated learning). |
授業の概要 /Summary of the class |
Acquire knowledge of an academic subject (Psychology) while at the same time improving your English abilities (reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking critically). |
授業の内容予定 /Contents plan of the class |
Week 1 Introduction to the class Section 1: Growth & Needs Theories Week 2 Growth Theories and the Hierarchy of Needs Week 3 Motivation – Self Determination Theory Week 4 Emotions, Love & Positive Psychology Week 5 Group presentations on one aspect related to Mindsets and Humanism Section 2: Cognitive Psychology Week 6 The Sensory System & Gestalt Psychology Week 7 Memory Week 8 Creativity Week 9 Group presentations on one aspect related to Cognitive Psychology Section 3: Personality & Social Psychology Week 10 Personality and Famous Psychological Experiments Week 11 Social Psychology1 Week 12 Social Psychology2 Week 13 Group presentations on one aspect related to Personality & Social Psychology Week 14 Review and guidance for final papers Week 15 Final papers discussion and submission |
成績評価方法及び採点基準 /A scholastic evaluation method and marking standard |
3 group presentations related to a theme of that section (15%/each = 45%) 3 short online quizzes that cover material from each section (10%/each = 30%) 1 final reflection paper (500 words) essay (25%) |
予習及び復習等の内容 /Contents such as preparations for lessons and the review |
Each week you will need to read the assigned material and watch the corresponding videos. In addition, you will be required to communicate with your group members and respond to topic questions in your TEAMS channel. For each section, the group will prepare a presentation for the class and individually, each student will be required to complete a quiz. To complete the class, each student will also be required to write an essay. |
教材・教科書 /The teaching materials, textbook |
For each section, the teacher provides a PDF file that includes the reading material for the course and links to the online videos. |
参考文献 /bibliography |
Nothing in particular |
留意点・予備知識 /Point to keep in mind, back ground |
Attendance, active participation, and self-study outside classroom are very important for language learning. Therefore, keep the following in mind: 1. Students are expected to attend every class. Students must attend 2/3 of all classes in order to pass. 2. Students should not be late to class. 3. Self-study time outside of class is expected to be twice the time spend in the classroom: 180 minutes of self-study for 90 minutes of class. Study systematically. |
授業内容に関する質問・疑義等 /Question, doubt about class contents |
Please come to see me in the English Lounge (see Schedule here https://home.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/salc/schedule/) Or email me and we can schedule a meeting in my office 総合教育棟 教養教育開発実践センターD西103. |
Eメールアドレス・HPアドレス /E-mail address, HP address |
Email: brian*hirosaki-u.ac.jp (*を@に置き換えてください) |
学問分野1(主学問分野) /Discipline 1 |
A02:文学,言語学およびその関連分野 |
学問分野2(副学問分野) /Discipline 2 |
該当なし |
学問分野3(副学問分野) /Discipline 3 |
該当なし |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目について /About the class subject by the teacher with the work experience |
なし |
地域志向科目 /Local intention subject |
なし |
授業形態・授業方法 /Class form, class method |
Face-to-face exercises, group work (if the course is moved to a media class, it will be conducted in Teams) |
科目ナンバー /The subject number |
メディア授業による著作物利用の有無について /Whether or not copyrighted works are used in media classes |
無/Nothing |
その他 /Others |
Classes are divided into two classes according to English proficiency based on the results of the final first-year external examination or the self-reported score of the most recent external examination taken by the student. If you wish to enroll in a class, you are required to submit a "Course Request Form" in advance. Information on how to submit the form will be posted before classes begin. |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
該当するデータはありません |