科目一覧へ戻る | 2023/09/27 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
地域の多様性と活性化-多文化共生時代における自己のキャリアを考える①-/Regional Diversity and Revitalization-Intercultural Collaborative Studies of Career Studies in Multicultural Society- |
時間割コード /Course Code |
1231200059 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
教養教育科目/ |
曜日コマ /Day, Period |
木/Thu 4 |
開講区分 /Semester offered |
前期/first semester |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
学年 /Year |
2 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
科目区分 /Course Group |
教養教育科目 グローカル科目 |
教室 /Classroom |
必修・選択 /Required/Elective |
授業形式 /Class Format |
メディア授業 /Media lecture |
- |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Faculty/Department |
高橋 千代枝/TAKAHASHI CHIYOE | 国際連携本部/ |
難易度(レベル) /Level |
レベル3 |
対応するCP/DP /CP/DP |
CP・DP 1 見通す力 CP・DP 2 解決していく力 CP・DP 3 学び続ける力 |
授業としての具体的到達目標 /Concrete arrival target as the class |
Acquire the knowledge and attitude necessary as a member of society to play an active role in the world regardless of country or culture by making use of the advanced specialized knowledge learned at the university. Acquire the ability of cross-cultural communication necessary to survive a multicultural society, learn the knowledge and laws necessary to live as a member of society, and think about your own career development. In order to become a human resource who can communicate with people from different backgrounds and collaborate toward one purpose, while learning the world situation, we will look at the problems that exist in the immediate area and solve the problems with flexible thinking. Acquire the ability to think and communicate. |
授業の概要 /Summary of the class |
In this class, both international and Japanese students will learn about “career design” from a global perspective. Learn about regional disparities and the problem of accepting foreign labor due to the declining working population. Five guest speakers will discuss the economic situation in Aomori Prefecture, the issue of finding employment at Japanese companies for highly skilled foreign workers, and the issue of finding employment overseas (by the Japanese entrepreneur who studied in the United States and found employment there, and ex-international students graduated by Hirosaki-U. found job in Aomori) and use it as material for thinking about what a "career" should be in a multicultural society that has already begun. Textbooks, five lectures, international students and Japanese students on issues such as what it means for people with different cultural backgrounds to work together, and what kind of skills are needed to be active on the world stage. This discussion will be repeated and lead to the final group presentation. In the final presentation, we will set a theme related to "multicultural society and career", conduct research, analysis, and consideration through group work, and create and present slides. At the end, write a report on what you learned in class. |
授業の内容予定 /Contents plan of the class |
Week 1 Orientation and self-introduction Week2 Lecture1.About the system of employment in Japan Week3 Lecture 2. The textbook:『大学生として学ぶ自分らしさとキャリアデザイン』Chapter1.「大学生活で取り組むべきことThe things you better to do while in the University」Chapter2.「for designing your carrer」+Discussion Week4 Lecture 3. Chapter 3「大学生としてのアイデンティティ Identity as a University Student」+Discussion Week5 Lecture 4.Chapter4.「これからのキャリアをイメージする Imagine how your carrer in your future」+Discussion From Week 6~10 The special lecture by five guest speakers(write the report for each lecture) Week11,12 Presentation by a group : Chapter5~9+Discussion Week13 Make group for the Final presentation and decide the theme. Week14 Group work(Discussion, Research, Making ppt, preparetion of presentation) Week15 Final presentation |
成績評価方法及び採点基準 /A scholastic evaluation method and marking standard |
Active participation and submissions 10% Division of roles in group work and self- and others evaluation of final presentation 20%, Final presentation 20% Final report 50% |
予習及び復習等の内容 /Contents such as preparations for lessons and the review |
In group work, it is necessary to make adjustments both inside and outside of class time in order to work together and prepare for presentations before the deadline. Make time for each other and work through the challenges. |
教材・教科書 /The teaching materials, textbook |
『大学生として学ぶ 自分らしさとキャリアデザイン』高丸理香他 有斐閣ブックス(2021) |
参考文献 /bibliography |
留意点・予備知識 /Point to keep in mind, back ground |
This class or special lectures will be provided in Japanese. So, International students required above N2 Japanese proficiency. But if you are interested in the Japanese business style or the career in Japan, N3 students could take(you should do preparation of every class). Takahashi will provide you some English translation or easy Japanese support. The limited number of students in this class is 20 international students and 20 Japanese students. If the number exceeds the capacity, the number will be adjusted by the examination by the instructor in charge. |
授業内容に関する質問・疑義等 /Question, doubt about class contents |
Please make an appointment by email. |
Eメールアドレス・HPアドレス /E-mail address, HP address |
takahashichiyoe@hirosaki-u.ac.jp |
学問分野1(主学問分野) /Discipline 1 |
Z95:学際・新領域 |
学問分野2(副学問分野) /Discipline 2 |
学問分野3(副学問分野) /Discipline 3 |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目について /About the class subject by the teacher with the work experience |
地域志向科目 /Local intention subject |
授業形態・授業方法 /Class form, class method |
Face-to-face classes, seminer, discussion, group work, presentation |
科目ナンバー /The subject number |
メディア授業による著作物利用の有無について /Whether or not copyrighted works are used in media classes |
無/Nothing |
その他 /Others |
*This syllabus is subject to change based on the needs of the class. *The schedule of lectures by guest speakers is subject to change. *Some of the Lectures may be held online. |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
該当するデータはありません |